Connect to convert paying clients a month. In Just 8 weeks. Guaranteed.

Without spending on paid marketing, advertising, or social media campaigns.

Dear Future Ace Networker,

Imagine being able to close clients without spending on paid advertising. 

Imagine not having to deal with consultants anymore. 

Imagine building a word-of-mouth pipeline that delivers tens of thousands of dollars in contracts every month.

That’s exactly what I've been doing in my business for the last 30 years.

I’ve helped hundreds more do the same.

Hi. I'm Phil Bedford:

And today I’m going to show you the networking system that's made millions of dollars WITHOUT spending a single penny on advertising and NEVER making a cold call.



Why is The Important

If you’re like most small business owners, your situation might look like this:

You’re either just starting out or have been in business for a while and are ready to scale.

You have a limited budget, so you can't afford to take big risks.

Yet, you invest in social media marketing, spend money on paid advertising, and spend time trying to make your sales funnels convert.

You might even be cold calling.

I’m not saying these strategies are wrong, but they require a lot of time and money to get right. And with limited or no ROI, it becomes hard to sustain.

Even worse, you could end up working 14-hour days, stressing over paying the bills, and wondering where your next customer will come from.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Your business should give you the freedom to do what you love, not keep you chained to your desk struggling to make ends meet.

So if you’re like many business owners, you’re probably wondering:

“What lever do I pull to *actually* start seeing some growth (without just working myself to burnout) ?”


Well, my hardworking-but-probably-exhausted friend, I want to show you a better way.


And no - not a “better way” that simply replaces the stuff you’re already doing with other stuff that only brings in marginally more income…


I actually mean a better way that will allow you to:


Build a steady pipeline of your best-fit customers. The ones you love working with and who are willing and able to pay you what you’re worth.


Get other people (including your clients) to bring in more business for you, regularly.


Fill your pipeline with your ideal prospects so that even if one were to drop out, you’d have another one ready to fill the gap.


Get your clients to see you as a trusted advisor, not just as a service provider.


And build a business that gives you REAL FREEDOM. The freedom to do what you love…


In just 8 weeks.


Oh, and did I mention that ALL of this ^^^ could literally cost you ZERO $ or next to nothing? 


That’s why I am so stoked to introduce you to…


The Millionaire Networker

A proven system that grows your business through the power of networking and personal relationships.

Like I said before, I’ve used these exact same strategies to earn millions of dollars in sales for myself and my clients.

Here’s what it looks like.

Module 1: Groundwork (What To Do Before Networking) 


  • Understand what networking really is (the ins and out) - so you don’t make the critical mistakes many untrained networkers make, and risk putting people ‘off’.
  • Set goals - define the outcome you want to achieve at each event - so that you focus on that instead of using a spray and pray approach that doesn’t get you meaningful results.
  • Discover how to identify potential clients, referral partners, and ‘believers’. Doing this at the beginning lays a strong foundation for strengthening relationships with your best-fit partners and reduces the time it can take to build a profitable, revenue generating pipeline.
  • Create a networking strategy that brings in at least 3 paying clients every single month… in just 8 weeks. No more wondering where your next client will come from. Or having to endure the feast and famine cycle. Or engage with marketers who promise you great results but rarely deliver. 

Module 2: In The Room (When You Are Networking)


  • Build the confidence to network naturally and confidently without EVER feeling sales-y. It works even if you’re introverted (especially if you’re introverted).
  • Apply the tried-and-tested ‘Phil-tering System’ to build deep, meaningful relationships. You’ll learn the 5 steps that can help you learn about people quickly. 

So, you can help them better.

It also lets you filter out people you don’t want in your network. This way, you don’t waste time with someone you cannot help or add value to.

  •  Change your thinking from “what’s in it for me” to “how can I add value to the person I’m speaking with?” 

So you go from “Showing Up to Sell” to “Showing Up to Serve”. And make people see you as a trusted partner rather than a product-pusher.


Module 3: Network to Net Worth (After the Event) 


  • Connect with and train your referral partners to spot business opportunities for you. And proactively speak on your behalf. So they literally end up selling for you. Once you master this skill, you’ll have an always full pipeline of the most highly-qualified prospects
  • Master the top 10 skills of an Ace Networker. Once you have these skills you’ll never need to worry about your business drying up. This module tells you what these skills are and how to sharpen them until they become second nature to you.
  • Nurture connections and turn them into friends, clients, believers, and referral partners. So you not only form strong, mutually beneficial relationships… but also leverage them into building the kind of business you always wanted – the one that doesn’t keep you chained to your work, but that gives you the freedom to do what you truly love.

Module 4: Digital Networking (Connecting Online)


  1. Make a Great First Impression On-Screen
  • Master techniques to present yourself confidently and professionally during virtual meetings.
  • Tips on dressing appropriately for virtual settings to enhance your credibility and professionalism.
  1. Enhance Your Image with Body Language and Non-Verbal Cues
  • Understand how to use facial expressions, gestures, and posture to convey confidence and engagement.
  • Learn how to read and respond to the non-verbal cues of others to build rapport and trust.
  1. Focus on Openness and Listening Over Perfection
  • Go from trying to be perfect to being open, empathetic,  and willing to listen 
  • Learn the importance of asking insightful questions and listening actively 
  1. Reduce 'Zoom Fatigue' and Communicate with Impact
  • Learn the art of keeping virtual meetings engaging, to maintain the attention of participants.
  • Learn how to structure your presentations for maximum impact and clarity.



Tracking your progress

You need to know how well you’re doing (or not) towards achieving your goals. So you can make corrections and get back on track if you need to.

Which is where the Networking Scorecard comes in.

It tells you if you’re on the right track, and shows you what you need to do to sharpen your game, if you’re falling behind in certain areas.

You’re doing well if you’re scoring a minimum of 100 points every week. If you’re not hitting that number, the scorecard tells you what areas to focus on so you can get back on track.

Which leads me to my 60-day, risk-free, iron-clad guarantee.

If you score a minimum of 100 points a week for 2 months but don’t see the results I promised you…

Let me know and I’ll give you a quick and courteous refund. No questions asked.

As an experienced business owner, I was under the impression that I knew it all when it came to networking until I met Phil Bedford.  Working with Phil, as my networking coach and guru, I have learned so much about the skills required for effective networking which has had a positive effect across all of my businesses which in turn has had an amazing impact on my life.

- Fiona Swaffield, Passionate Entrepreneur & Networker | Owner - Siren Events,  My PA, Shooting Cars UAE, and Siren Dragon Boat

In a small business in particular, where resources are very limited you have to become very resourceful in how you approach different aspects of the business from prospecting and selling, delivering your products or services. This is where I can recommend the coach and business mentor Phil Bedford; our business is going from strength to strength.

-Alan Bell, Founder - Pixel Roses

A great personal network is good for the soul, life and business this is a simple easy to read mind opener, perfect for business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. [Review of KISS the Rebel of which this course is based.]

- Jack Canfield, Best selling Co Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul & Author of the Success Principles. 

For every coach & leader looking to learn how to grow a profitable business & help more people find happiness. [Review of KISS the Rebel of which this course is based.]

-DR. Marshall Goldsmith, Best Selling Author of Triggers, Mojo & What Got You Here, Won't Get You There. #1 Leadership Thinker Globally. 


Why The Millionaire Networker Works

Go At Your Pace

The videos, exercises, and modules are available for you to go through at your own pace, on your own time. Business is busy and unpredictable, and we understand that. Take this at your own pace!

Share Your Progress

We have built accountability and community right into the program. After each exercise, you will be urged to share your thoughts, questions, and progress with Phil and the Millionaire Networker community. 

Lean on Community

The best part of any growth program is being a part of the community of like-minded individuals who are on the same journey as you. Lean in, help, ask for help and practice your new networking skills right here, right now! 

Lean on Phil

Phil, a business coach with 20+ years of experience hosts office hours and Q&A Sessions. We (Phil’s team) are always in there to keep an eye on any SOS messages, too, in case Phil misses them, so we've got your back.


A Message from Phil Bedford

Hi! I'm delighted that you're considering The Millionaire Networker program and community. I've been coaching, training, and supporting business owners for over two decades now, and over the years, I saw that there were no practical, real-world tools to help business owners and professionals learn how to build those crucial relationships and networks. 

I saw some extremely talented business owners in my community miss out on opportunities because they did not know how to build and leverage their networks. 

I wanted to change that and so I created a program that takes you through the entire network-building process from A to Z. The tools and lessons in this program helped me write my story. And I can't wait to help you write yours! 

Join the Millionaire Networker Community

Work with Phil and his community of high-achievers. Put yourself in the right space, the right company, and on the right track for exponential business growth. 
Frequently Asked Questions

One-Program Access


(Introductory Price, Limited Time)

  • Full access to all program materials and videos 
  • 16 powerful exercises to build your network 
  • 3 Bonus Modules to strengthen your business 
  • Bi-weekly Q&A office hours with Phil
  • Exclusive, 24/7 access to the global Millionaire Networker Community

Business Power Pack (Limited Time Offer)


Get Full Access to the Business Power Pack


Get the Power Business Pack

Are you ready to take massive action? 

If you want to power your business up in a big way, then now is the time. Save $200 on our Limited Time Offer on the Power Business Pack.

This bundle offer includes full access to two programs:

The Millionaire Networker + The Se7en Deadly Startup Sins